Expert Opinion on Online Real Estate Schools

Anyone interested in working in the real estate market as a real estate agent (salesperson) or broker can enrol in online real estate schools. Getting a real estate licence online seems like a good idea. It appears to be ideal for someone who wants to change occupations without having to leave their existing job. Do online real estate courses, on the other hand, give a high-quality education?

We have interviewed an expert in real estate industry, whose real estate experience and knowledge provide excellent insight into the field of online real estate education, spoke with us. This guru master provided the following overviews of the primary components and classifications of real estate training to set the stage for our discussion:

Real Estate Training’s Components

  • Pre-licensing (generally includes a national portion and a state portion)
  • Exam prep
  • Post-licensing (required by some states to be “fully qualified” and able to operate on your own)
  • Continuing education (requirements vary by state; has mandatory ethics requirement every three years)
  • 1 Advanced education (designations & specializations)

Real Estate Training Classifications

The classification of real estate education refers to how it is delivered. The first two groups are commonly used by online schools.

  • Classes that are timed together. These are comparable to in-person classes in that they have established meeting times during which the lecturer lectures students through Zoom or another similar service (i.e., students and instructors are together in time but not distance).
  • Classes that are asynchronous. These are classes that do not meet on a regular basis. In a more self-paced time period, students complete work and meet assignment deadlines. “Distance learning” is another term for this (i.e., students and instructors are separated by time and distance).
  • Classes that are held in person. These are typical classes with face-to-face instruction that meet on a regular basis (i.e., students and instructors are together in time and distance).
  • Classes that are a mix of the two. In some situations, students may discover this. These courses combine synchronous (live in-person) and asynchronous (online) activities.
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Curriculum for an Online Real Estate School

What should a solid online real estate school curriculum look like?

Expert: The whole course curriculum must meet the licencing standards of each state. Each course in the curriculum should have a well-defined structure laid out in a course syllabus or similar document, with overarching course objectives, topic learning objectives, instructional methods used, materials the student must obtain, including software and hardware, as well as technical support contact information and the instructor’s name and contact information.

By the way, the content of pre- and post-licensing courses is dictated by the states. Instructors in continuing education classes usually have more freedom, albeit the topic must be authorised by the state.

Pace and Tools for Instruction

Is it more common for students to learn at their own pace or does it follow a more rigid structure?

Expert: This, I believe, is heavily influenced by the type of training you’re performing. If you’re taking a pre-licensing course, especially one that is synchronous, you’ll probably be under a tighter timeline to go through it. Many post-licensing programmes would be more structured as well, if applicable in your jurisdiction. Consider them to be similar to taking an online college course. The majority of continuing education courses, particularly electives, are self-paced.

What are some of the most effective instructional tools used by superior online schools?

Expert: Most schools will have at least basic presentation materials, which will typically include a slide show and a script or course manual. The “better” online schools will have additional elements, including interactive ones. Short video clips to highlight essential aspects; periodic summary or review points, progress checks, or similar; progress dashboards; and more robust access to instructors are some of the features that might be included.

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Because developing more interactive courses is costly, you’ll see them more with national or large regional education providers and for pre-licensing courses that a lot of people will attend. The majority of education providers include examples of their course content on their websites, which prospective students should review. Limit your search to the larger providers if you believe the more interactive format is better suited to your learning style.

Accreditation vs. Certification

What governing organisation oversees online real estate schools?

Expert: Each state’s regulatory bodies must authorise (or certify) schools. This is the equivalent of the state’s Division of Real Estate.

How are online real estate colleges certified?

Expert: Not all online real estate schools are recognised; but, as a former professor, I know how crucial accreditation is in terms of education. Each state’s regulatory bodies must approve schools.

The International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC) and The Association of Real Estate License Law are two accreditation bodies for online schools (one for general online and one specialised for real estate schools) (ARELLO). IDECC accredits a school’s online teaching techniques (delivery) and effectiveness, while ARELLO accredits a school’s real estate specialised material (content).

How can prospective students verify that a school is accredited?

Expert: Accredited schools will normally indicate this on their website. In addition, prospective students can look them up on the IDECC and ARELLO websites. Most websites offer this information, as well as instructor profiles, so students may look up the expertise and qualifications of school employees, including whether or not they have CDEI (Certified Distance Education Instructor) accreditation.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Real Estate Schools

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online real estate courses?

Expert: The benefits of convenience and flexibility are undeniable. The fact that you don’t have to go to a classroom is also a plus. Savings on tuition, travel, and other related expenses are among the possibilities. The flexibility to work during the day and finish coursework in the evenings or on weekends, as well as the opportunity to study anywhere and at any time, is a huge plus. Finally, having the freedom to enrol in classes whenever you are ready or available (rather than having to wait for the following quarter, for example) is a benefit.

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On the negative side (and depending on the style of online training), you may miss out on interactions between students and teachers, as well as the ability to raise questions as they occur and receive immediate reply from your instructor. Personal relationships with classmates and instructors, networking, and general relationship building are also lacking.

Examining the Differences Between Online and In-Person Classes

How do online schools compare to in-person classes?

Expert: In terms of the bottom line, I’d say there isn’t much of a difference in terms of effectively completing the programme. I always say that you get out of education what you put into it, whether in the classroom or online.

As a student and as a college professor, I’ve taken and taught classes using every technique (standard four years on campus for bachelor’s, night and weekend programmes for MBA, and online seminars for another master’s degree in personal financial planning).

In some circumstances, I believe in-person classes are preferable. One, because of the aforementioned causes, such as a lack of personal interaction and networking. Second, I believe it is also dependent on the type of learning you are performing. Traditional pre-licensing classes, or a synchronous online course, may be beneficial to some students. If internet is more convenient for you for any reason, it will undoubtedly satisfy your needs.

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